Mon - Fri: 08.00 to 18.00 CET
Calibri guides you and your team through personal journeys towards becoming super-engineers. What makes an engineer "super" is the ability to navigate through life and social interactions as effectively as navigating through code.
on anything related to social interactions and life
building habits around the new behaviors without the willpower
from the the knowledge pool of the community - people like you
to prove and capitalize on your newly-gained social skills
Had a hunch on what you could improve but it was never clear how to get started?
Felt rewarding but got nothing tangible, no credit from others, and gave up? Intrinsic motivation didn’t last long?
Felt enlightened by a great podcast or workshop but never implemented anything out of it after it ended?
Wasn’t sure how not to seem inauthentic and decided not to try at all? Had no chance to practice and get feedback?
participated in the pilots - now we are opening the access to a wider group
of collaboration and taking initiative after 2-month pilot
Spending 2h+ weekly with Calibri
Interacting with my colleagues in the pandemic through Calibri made me feel like my problems weren’t as big, and that we were all in this together
They [Calibri] know how to handle specific learning tools in the most needed moment of the program…I’m so happy about owning new tools that make me a better professional and person (since the majority of the content can be applied in our personal life)
Applying what we learn to our initiatives, our daily work, in schools, is very intuitive, and we receive feedback at the same time, which makes the experience incredible
“I’ve never seen a job being done by a five-hundred-person engineering team that couldn’t be done better by fifty people.” - C. Gordon Bell
Compound your career
per month
Empower your team & grow together
per month per user
Upgrade your workforce
454 Las Gallinas Ave. Suite #2028
San Rafael, CA 94903